All poster pitches will be LIVE
If you submit to the poster sessions, you will be eligible for the Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship "60-second Poster Pitch" competition. Competition is limited to the first 25 applicants to sign up via the abstract submission process. Poster
presenters will be given 60 seconds to "Pitch Your Poster."
The "poster pitch" will be judged on the following criteria:
- Clarity of Presentation (60%)
- Potential to Create New Therapies (40%)
- $750 for 1st place
- $500 for 2nd place
- $250 for 3rd place
- $100 for the VACE Director's Choice Award
Those who sign-up must attend a 1-hour coaching session on how to organize and deliver a 60-second pitch. Only those who sign-up and attend a coaching session will be officially entered into the competition. Coaching sessions will be held on March 29th and March 30th from 11:30am to 12:30pm via ZOOM. You only need to attend one of these sessions. Once you confirm your interest in participating, you will be contacted to choose your preferred day.