Thank you for attending our 19th Annual Spring Conference!
We are grateful to the 1,088 attendees, ranging from researchers to trainees to community members and high school students, who made our 2024 Spring Conference a great success.
Special thanks to Mayor Linda Gorton who issued a proclamation that April 9 is "Translational Science Day" in Lexington!

Check out our 2024 Conference highlights!

- remarks from Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton, RN,
- two keynote speakers,
- 10 breakout sessions,
- 44 podium presentations,
- 312 poster presentations (including 11 from students of Frederick Douglass High School), and
- the annual Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship 60-Second Poster Pitch Competition.
Questions? Contact:
April Bridenbecker, CCTS Program Manager