2018 ATRN Summit Highlights

The 2018 Annual Spring Summit of the ATRN was hosted by the University of Kentucky Center for Clinical & Translational Science on  Sept. 20 - 21. The theme of this year's summit was addressing health disparities through translational research. 

Nearly 150 people from nine institutions attended the two-day Summit, with 46 poster presentations. 

Joyce E. Balls-Berry, PhD, MPE, assistant professor of epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic, delivered a keynote talk on “Keys to Building Successful Community-Engaged Research Partnerships”.

Breakout sessions and podium presentations explored a range of topics, including opioids, cancer, environmental risks, diabetes, and fostering collaborations. 

Read the Kentucky Health News article about the 2018 ATRN Summit here. »  


Keynote Address

"Keys to Building Successful Community-Engaged Research Partnerships" 

Joyce E. Balls-Berry, PhD, MPE, assistant professor of epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic



Slideshow of Photos from the 2018 ATRN Summit