Ebunoluwa Ajadi
Project Title: Discrepancies in adrenal tumor size measured on preoperative imaging and surgical specimens and its implications for outcomes and management
Mentor: Cortney Lee, MD
Carter Baughman
Project: Quantification of sialorrhea reduction after unilateral parotid electron beam radiotherapy in debilitating neurological disorders
Mentor: Edward Kasarskis, MD
George Chalhoub
Project: The INFUSE trial - Intervening with platelet transfusions in sepsis
Mentor: Susan Smyth, MD
Amber Cloud
Project: Assessing expression of mitoNEET, a known regulator of mitochondrial function and target for neuroprotection
Mentor: Patrick Sullivan, PhD
Madeline Dunfee
Project: Leveraging community ties to address health disparities in Appalachian KY
Mentor: Nancy Schoenberg, PhD
Nathan Farr
Project: Photothrombotic insults to model microinfarct pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Mentor: Christopher Norris, PhD
Dwight Harris
Project: A retrospective review of endobronchial ultrasound guided lymph node sampling at the University of Kentucky
Mentor: Sibu Saha, MD
Christopher Hayden
Project: Prevalence of rural adult hearing loss: An NHANES hearing loss study
Mentor: Matthew Bush, MD
Anna Heink
Project: Understanding the role of ATR-774 mutation in the viability and proliferation of colorectal cancer
Mentor: John D'Orazio, MD
Neil Horsley
Project: Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in rural Kentucky: A pilot study
Mentor: Gregory Jicha, MD
Mackenzie Humphrey
Project: Life stresses, family and partner support and cancer care for women
Mentor: Ann Coker, PhD
Lan Jiang
Project: Variations in thyroid nodule evaluation
Mentor: Reese Randle, MD
Alyssa Jones
Project: Targeting trauma-related shame: A test of two emotion regulation strategies among women with histories of interpersonal violence
Mentor: Christal Badour, PhD
Patrick Keller
Project: Comparing clinical outcomes of open versus laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair
Mentor: J. Scott Roth, MD
Aneesha Laungani
Project: Pediatric retention of interactive compared to standard oral hygiene instruction
Mentor: Christina Perez, DMD
Gordon Lents
Project: The effect of time of day of endotracheal extubation of trauma/acute care surgery patients on patient outcome and need for reintubation
Mentor: Joshua Judge, MD
Lydia Livas
Project: The effects of androgens on the proliferation and activity of natural killer cells in the progression and recurrence of urothelial bladder cancer
Mentor: Charles Lutz, MD
Justin Magnuson
Project: MOON (Multicenter Orthopaedic Outcomes Network) shoulder instability: Patients undergoing operative treatment of the shoulder capsule or labrum
Mentor: Carolyn Hettrick, MD
Franceska Mehmeti
Project: Barriers and facilitators to telemedicine diabetic retinopathy screening in primary care
Mentor: Ana Bastos de Carvalho, MD
Jeremy Miller
Project: Lateral Axillary Exposure for antegrade access during endovascular repair of complex abdominal aortic and thoracoabdominal aneurysms
Mentor: Sam Tyagi, MD
Becky Mirsky
Project: Hearing rehabilitation and the progression of cognitive decline in the elderly
Mentor: Beth McNulty, MD
Miranda Mysinger
Project: A retrospective analysis of hydroxyurea utilization and efficacy in Kentucky pediatric sickle cell anemia patients
Mentor: Vlad Radulescu, MD
Shruti Nanivadekar
Project: Evaluation of the effects of levodopa on balance in patients with Parkinson's disease using inertial sensors
Mentor: Geetanjali Gera, PhD
Michael Nisiewicz
Project: The prevalence and prognosis of infiltrative appearance hepatocellular carcinoma
Mentor: Joseph Owen, MD
McKell Oliverio
Project: Fibrinoloysis shutdown in elderly patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Mentor: Andrew Bernard, MD
Louis Rodgers
Project: FGF-dependent angiogenesis in cancer progression
Mentor: Jessica Blackburn, PhD
Elizabeth Roney
Project: Relationship between patient factors, intracranial aneurysm morphology, and rupture status
Mentor: Justin Fraser, MD
Madeline Rukavina
Project: A positive psychology intervention for patients with heart failure
Mentor: Gretchen Wells, MD
Christina Seibert
Project: Signaling mechanisms in IBD ulcer healing
Mentor: Terrence Barrett, MD
Lincoln Shade
Project: Analysis of whole exome associations with late-onset Alzheimer's disease neuropathology
Mentor: Peter Nelson, MD
Kamran Siddiqi
Project: Outcomes of pediatric forearm and distal radius fracture reduction in the emergency department
Mentor: Sameer Desai, MD
Fariha Siddiqui
Project: Retrospective analysis of toxicity from immune checkpoint inhibitor cancer treatment on age
Mentor: Anthony Lowell, MD
Austin Smith
Project: Validation of previous model to evaluate risk of potentially harmful ionizing radiation exposure (PHIRE) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Mentor: Kevin Hatton, MD
Clark Strunk
Project: Identifying secretion regulators in platelets: What controls VAMPs?
Mentor: Sidney Whiteheart, PhD
Cameron Wade
Project: Overcoming resistance to antiandrogens with a TGF-ß inhibitor in pre-clinical mouse model of advanced prostate cancer
Mentor: Natasha Kyprianou, MD
Franklyn Wallace
Project: Comparing the yδ-T cell count in visceral adipose tissue of young and aged individuals
Mentor: Marlene Starr, PhD
Seth Walsh-Blackmore
Project: Are average outcomes of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis patients from Appalachia different than expected by current research?
Mentor: Michael Dobbs, MD
James Warwick
Project: Development and study of a 3D-printed device for the management of enteroatmospheric fistulae
Mentor: Andrew Bernard, MD
Andrew Wodrich
Project: Optimization and characterization of a novel surgical mouse model of Moyamoya
Mentor: Justin Fraser, MD