TL1 PreDoctoral Training Program in Clinical and Translational Science

The University of Kentucky TL1 Training Program in Clinical and Translational Science is designed to train exceptional pre-doctoral trainees with skills required to develop a career in multidisciplinary clinical and translational research in health-related fields. The fundamental principal of the TL1 program is to provide clinical and translational research training that is rigorous and effectively integrated with ongoing professional or graduate research programs.


  • US citizen or permanent resident status

  • MD, MD/PhD, DMD, PharmD or PhD level graduate students

Funding/ Support Provided:

· Stipend support at the NIH NRSA predoctoral level ($28,244 in FY2024)

· In State Tuition Support

· Student Health Plan

· $1,300 travel funds to attend the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) meeting.

Training Requirements:

  • Graduate Certificate -Cinical and Translational Science 


  • Grant Writing Course

  • Biostatistics Course

  • Clinical Research Ethics Course

Trainees will be required to participate in the weekly K & T Works In Progress, T32 Career Development Series, present at the CCTS Spring Conference, attend monthly Ethics lectures, and satisfy all NRSA requirements.

