University of Kentucky 2018 28th Annual
Nursing Research Papers Day
Call for abstract Submissions
Podium and Poster
Hyatt Hotel Lexington, Kentucky
Date: October 12, 2018
The University of Kentucky Nursing Research Day provides an opportunity for nurses of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to present and report ongoing and completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and methodological projects to colleagues.
Registration for the event will be submitted separately using this link that will be provided later.
Call for Abstracts
- Abstract submissions for Podium and Poster presentations will open at 8:00 am on (August 1, 2018) and close at exactly 5:00 pm on September 2, 2018. No extensions or exceptions will be granted.
The following pages hold information that you will need prior to starting your abstract submissions. Having this information readily available when you start to submit your abstract will facilitate your submission proves. We look forward to receiving you abstract and see you at the conference!
The University of Kentucky Research Council, 2018
Abstract Submissions Guidelines Podium, and Poster Presentations
What type of Abstracts does University of Kentucky Research Papers Day(UKNRPD) accept?
- We accept completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and methodological projects to colleagues.
- Abstracts selected for presentation do NOT include concept analysis, systematic reviews, critical analysis, literature reviews or reviews of any kind. However, these can be submitted as posters.
Submissions which do not follow submission guidelines will be disqualified.
- Is there a cost to submit abstracts? No, just register for the conference, follow the directions for submission and submit you abstract
- How many abstracts can I submit? Each person may submit as many abstracts as they want.
- Can someone else submit abstracts for me? No, you must submit your own abstracts.
- Is there a word limit? Yes, each abstract is limited to 325 words.
- Can I make edits to my abstract after the submission site closes? No, you cannot make any edits to your abstract, authors, etc… after the submission site closes. You must enter all information exactly as you wish it to appear in the program. Please include complete information for additional authors, including institution and credentials. Author information (institution and credentials) will be used for the abstract information listed in the program (onsite and online). Please check your abstract, title and author information carefully.
- How do I know if my abstract get accepted? You will be notified by email and you will have to send an acceptance email back to say that will be presenting. The individual presenting will assume responsibility for their own registration fee for the conference.
- Note that is your abstract is declined as a podium it could still be accepted as a poster.
- All communications regarding the abstract will be sent to the lead author. The lead
- The lead author is responsible for communicating all information to additional authors.
- Email your completed abstract registration form to
- Word limit on abstract is 325 words (not including title), use Times New Roman with a 12 pt. font.
- Each lead author associated with the presentation must submit biographical data form with abstract registration form and abstract (CV form is at the end of this document) to
- If you get accepted to present, you will be sent a conflict of interest/disclosure form to complete and return.
CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE ABSTRACT INFO FORM (fill out this form and email it to: