"Tell Me What You Really Think": Lessons and Principles in Survey Research
Monday, April 24, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
via ZOOM only
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Survey research is difficult, but it can provide us with valuable insights into the perceptions, experiences, dispositions, and attitudes of our research participants. Whether understanding patients’ quality of life following intensive surgery, medical students’ perceptions of their abilities throughout their education, or the experiences and concerns of communities coping with disasters, survey research is ubiquitous. However, this methodology carries with it numerous unique challenges not seen in other types of research. This presentation focuses on some key elements, principles, and challenges of survey methodology through discussion of an exemplar study along with some practical considerations and recommendations.
Presented by:
Anthony A. Mangino, PhD
Biomedical Data Scientist
Biostatistics Consulting & Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Lab (Biostat CIRCL)
Department of Biostatistics
BERD provides:
- Consultations on study design for clinical trials, community-based participatory research, and population-based (epidemiologic) studies
- Protocol review
- Referrals
- Quantitative data analysis for CCTS pilots