Clinical Research Update: Overcoming Research Objectification through Community-engaged and Participatory Research

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
via Zoom
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The objective of the presentation is to discuss identification of and resolutions to challenges in clinical and translational science through a reliance on systems thinking.
Headshot of Headshot of Milton Eder, an older white man with short gray-brown hair and a soft smile. He's wearing a red plaid button-up shirt and there's a marbly gray backdrop behind him.
presented by
Milton Eder, Ph.D.
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
University of Minnesota Medical School


Dr. Eder studies translational research with the goal of improving health outcomes by transforming the public's relationship to healthcare and research. He founded and directed a primary care practice-based research network of Federally Qualified Health Centers, exploring research ethics, patient engagement and patient safety.Dr. Eder has chaired a biomedical Institutional Review board and served as an Associate Editor for Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action . He earned a PhD from the Committee on History of Culture at the University of Chicago.


Questions? Contact April Bridenbecker, CCTS Workforce Development Program Manager, at