Summit Industry Day, October 4th
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022, the Center for Computational Sciences and ITS/Research Computing Infrastructure will be hosting and organizing the Summit Industry Day! A day of mini-workshops, tutorials, and technical talks by industry for academia and industry professionals. This event will be held in the Gatton Student Center meeting rooms (details below). Expect to see presentations and mini-workshops from the following organizations: Dell, FujiFilm, HPE, IBM, Intel, NERSC-LBL, NVIDIA, Omnibond, Spectra Logic, and others. Free to attend.
Summit Day, October 5th
On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 the 6th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit will involve:
- 3 Keynote Speakers (Academic, Industry and Government)
- 3 parallel sessions with faculty lightning talks, Biomedical Informatics/AI in Medicine, and the OpenStack Community Session.
- Student Poster Competition with winners going to the National Supercomputer Conference in Dallas, Texas.
- Networking Breaks, Luncheon and Reception.
Note: See details below! Remember Registration is Free but required to attend.
Special Workshop, AIM (AI in Medicine) October 6th
SPECIAL October 6th Workshop AIM: AI in Medicine information and REGISTRATION
Session Presenters: Jeff Talbert, Jennifer Wang, Cody Bumgardner
Location: Charles T. Wethington Jr. Building Room 127
900 South Limestone Lexington, KY 40536-0200
Time: 9AM Start (ending approximately 3PM)
This workshop covers the latest technology, techniques, and data sources across four biomedical domains. Each session will include an instructional component, tutorial demonstration(s), and collaborative sessions:
- Medical Imaging: Monai and Monai Label
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): Transformers and virtual assistants
- Bioinformatics/OMICS: The latest in processing pipelines
- Alphanumeric and time series classification and forecasting
No special requirements for participants. Contact for further information: Nathan Thompson, AIM Alliance Project Manager,
More details and registration »