RFA: Disparities Researchers Equalizing Access for all coMmunities (DREAM) Scholars Program 2025

Application Deadline: May 5, 2025
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The Disparities Researchers Equalizing Access for all coMmunities (DREAM) Scholars Program is a collaboration between the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS), the College of Nursing, and the Center for Health, Engagement, and Transformation (CHET) at the University of Kentucky. Various sources of funding are available to support the career development of exceptional pre-docs, postdocs and assistant professors who are committed to conducting health equity-focused research.

Five Scholars will be selected from a competitive application process.

Program Description

The DREAM Scholars Program will provide access to a solid foundation in career development and core human subject’s research, with an emphasis on health equity research methods (e.g., community-based participatory research, dissemination and implementation). The program duration is two years (August 18, 2025 – May 30, 2027). DREAM Scholars will be required to participate in 1.5-hour meetings twice a month, which will include research and career development seminars and opportunities to present chalk talks and works in progress. Scholars are required to complete a pre- and post-survey and attend an annual two-day writing retreat. They also are expected to produce scholarly products, such as abstracts, manuscripts and grant submissions.

Support Provided

The DREAM Scholars Program does not provide salary support. Each appointment year Scholars will receive up to $2,500 in pilot funding and $1,500 of travel funds to attend or present at a national research or career development conference. Progress in the program will be reviewed annually. Scholars will be supported for two years contingent upon satisfactory progress and available funding.

Eligibility Requirements

All University of Kentucky predocs, postdocs and assistant professors who are interested in conducting health-equity focused research are eligible to apply. Applicants must be in good academic and/or professional standing. US citizenship is not required. Five candidates will be selected based on their potential to develop into a successful health equity-focused researcher. The following will be considered: mentor’s record of successful mentoring; applicant’s health equity research proposal, academic qualifications, training background, previous research performance record (i.e. graduate research assistantships) and accomplishments (scholarship presentations, honors/awards); and leadership skills as evidenced by previous leadership roles. Following application review, the highly meritorious applicants will be invited for an interview.


Dates & Deadlines
  • Application deadline: :
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