UK ASCEND (Achieving Success in Community-Engaged research to elimiNate Disparities) Postdoctoral Pilot Funding

Applications due August 23, 2024.

The UK ASCEND Program is requesting applications from University of Kentucky Postdoctoral Fellows/Scholars to apply for pilot research funds to conduct Community-Engaged Research (CER) studies (see below for definition). 

The ASCEND Postdoctoral CER Pilot will provide pilot awards of up to $25,000 with a 12-month duration. 

This new program is funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities/National Institutes of Health with additional support from the UK Office of the Vice President for Research.  Pilot funding will be available to support meritorious projects that focus on identifying, reducing and/or eliminating health disparities through community partnerships. Our long-term objective is to increase the critical mass of early-stage investigators from diverse backgrounds exceptionally capable of undertaking transformative CER that achieves health equity.

All proposed pilot studies must (a) authentically interact with community stakeholders to successfully undertake research that appropriately and impactfully addresses health disparities and (b) obtain data critical to support an extramural grant submission that will promote CER.It is expected that up to 4 proposals will be funded in this round, depending on number, quality, and type of applications received.  

UK ASCEND Postdoctoral Pilot awards are open to any UK postdoctoral fellow or scholar meeting the eligibility criteria below. Pilot studies must propose Community Engaged Research (CER) focused on any group or population affected by health disparities. CER begins with community needs and balances such needs throughout the research process from implementation to dissemination. Such approaches focus on community assets rather than deficits; involve community members in collaborations centering egalitarian relationships, communication, and trust; and promote co-learning and capacity-building for all participants. CER interventions are among the most significant, effective, and sustained approaches to remediate health disparities.

Applications that align with UK’s health disparities research priority areas (i.e., Substance Use, Cancer, Diabetes & Obesity, Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular/ Neurological, and UNITE) are especially encouraged. However, investigators proposing other CER research topics are also eligible to apply.

Please address specific application questions regarding this application to Dr. Carolyn Lauckner ( and Dr. Kevin Pearson (

Dates & Deadlines
  • Application Deadline: