Health Impact in Appalachia
Since 2012, 21 community organizations have been funded to support projects that address priority health needs in 24 Appalachian counties (including 19 counties in KY and 5 counties in WV). We partner with awardees to provide oversight including financial management, human subjects advice, data collection, and protocol/conduct input.

The 2022 Mini-Grant Awardee is:
- Kentucky River District Health Department, Hannah Hogan: This project will focus on improving health through improving dietary intake patterns and increasing physical activity among both children and adult residents of Lee, Owsley, and Wolfe Counties.

After retiring as a teacher and learning she was pre-diabetic at age 57, Mary Beth Castle lost 81 pounds and began a new career as a Community Health Educator in Johnson County, Kentucky. A Community Seed Grant from the CCTS allowed her to continue and grow the "Fall into Fitness" diabetes education and prevention outreach events, where participants get their A1C levels checked and take a self-paced walk together. Anyone who is pre-diabetic gets a personal phone call from Mary Beth, inviting them to participate in a free, CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program.