2011 CCTS Spring Conference
April 21, 2011, Lexington, KY — Researchers, students, policymakers and community members gathered at the Lexington Convention Center for the 6th Annual CCTS Spring Conference to share research, mentor junior faculty, and enhance collaborations in clinical and translational science, with special focus on Neurological Disorders: Quality of Life and Potential for Recovery.

Highlights from the Conference
Plenary Session: Health Disparities and Health Behaviors in Appalachia
Keynote: Federal, State and Local Initiatives to Address the Obesity Epidemic
William H. Dietz, MD, PhD
Director, Div. of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC
Mentorship Awards
Michael Toborek, MD, PhD
Andrew J. Morris, PhD
Susan K. Frazier, PhD, RN
Leslie J. Crofford, MD
Special Recognition Award
F. Joseph Halcomb III, MD - Appreciation award for establishing the Halcomb Fellowship in Medicine and Engineering
- Schedule (PDF)
- Image Gallery
- CCTS Abstracts (PDF)
- Dentistry Abstracts (PDF)