What is WHY?
WHY is a research study that records and securely stores health related data. Our members are people who are willing to share information by taking short, electronic surveys.
Who can join WHY?
Anyone who is aged 18 to 89 is welcome to become a WHY member.
What do I have to do to join WHY?
Joining WHY is easy! The initial survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
What happens after I join WHY?
After completing your first survey, you may be invited to take other short surveys called modules. We will contact you annually to update your initial survey. We may also contact you about other research opportunities that you may be interested in joining.
How will my data be used?
The data collected by WHY is shared with qualified investigators who have an interest in and who are working to improve the overall health of our communities. Your data can help these investigators better understand and improve our health and health care. Your participation in WHY will provide researchers the information needed to improve or develop new programs or treatment approaches to improve our health and well-being. If you become a WHY member neither your name or email address will be shared with anyone without your consent. These are securely stored and only used by WHY to invite your participation in surveys.
Will I be paid for participating in WHY?
No, you will not be paid to participate. WHY relies entirely on volunteers. However, your participation in WHY provides access to other research studies that may have incentives.
Why do I have to agree to a consent form?
This is a research study. The University of Kentucky Institutional Review Board (also known as an IRB or Ethics board) approves and regulates all research studies at UK. The consent form outlines the study in detail and lets you know your role and what your rights are as a participant in this study.
When does the study end?
There is currently no end date for this study. If you decide that you no longer wish to participate, you can email us at WHY@uky.edu. You can also unsubscribe from our email communications by choosing this option in your annual survey.