CCTS Accepting Applications for Faculty, Post-doc, and Pre-doc Career Development Programs

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 25, 2025) — The Center for Clinical and Translational Science is now accepting applications for the following career development programs.
KL2 Program for Faculty
This program supports faculty who are committed to developing academic careers focused on clinical and/or translational research/science. Junior faculty from any college at the University of Kentucky are eligible to apply.
The KL2 Career Development Program requires 75% protected time for research/career development and provides annual salary support up to a maximum of $110,000 per year plus benefits for the required effort. An additional $37,500 in funds will be provided for research personnel, supplies, materials for course work ($35,000), and travel ($2,500) to present at appropriate research conferences, as they pertain to the proposed research and career development. Support will be provided for up to 2 years, contingent upon effective career development throughout the period of support and available funding.
An informational meeting will be held on March 12, 2025, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in HKRB 110.
TL1 Post-doctoral Program
This program supports the training of exceptional clinician residents/fellows and postdoctoral fellows who are committed to developing skills in multidisciplinary, clinical and translational research/science.
Participants will receive salary support based on the years of post-doctoral training (NIH NRSA 2024 Stipends), partial tuition support ($4,500), and up to $1,300 for travel expenses to present at a national meeting. Support will be provided for up to 2 years, contingent upon adequate program funding and effective career development throughout the period of support.
Download the TL1 Post-doc RFA »
TL1 Pre-doctoral Program
This program supports the training of exceptional graduate students (i.e., MD, DMD, and PharmD students or PhD level graduate students) from any college at the University of Kentucky who are committed to developing careers as leaders of multidisciplinary research in Clinical and Translational Science (CTS).
Participants will receive salary support at NIH NRSA levels ($28,224 FY 2024), in-state tuition and up to $1,300 for travel expenses to present research at a national meeting. Initial appointment will be for one year. Progress in the program will be reviewed annually. Contingent upon satisfactory progress in the program and adequate program funding, trainees may be supported for two years.
Questions? Contact Victoria L. King, PhD, CCTS Career Development Director, at or 859218-6167.