CCTS Announces New KL2 Scholars

Lexington, Ky. (Jan. 30, 2024) – The UK Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) has appointed two new scholars to its KL2 Career Development Program.
The KL2 is a multidisciplinary research training and funding opportunity for junior faculty who are building careers in clinical/translational research. Participants complete a structured program including didactic coursework, mentored research, and multidisciplinary teamwork. The goal of the program is to help awardees obtain an individual career development award (i.e. K) or an independent investigator (i.e. R01) award.
KL2 Scholars receive 75% salary support up to a maximum of $110,000 per year plus fringe benefits, career development/research support of $35,000 per year, and $2,500 travel funds per year for up to two conferences/trips in related to their research. Program support is provided for two to three years, depending on research progress.
To date, the CCTS has supported 27 KL2 Scholars. The program’s return on invest in term of extramural funding secured by the Scholars is 24:1.
Congratulations to the newly appointed Scholars:
- Yosra Helmy, DVM, MVSc, PhD
Assistant Professor
Martin Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Division of Veterinary Sciences
Gluck Equine Research Center
Project Title: Probiotics-derived bioactive molecules as alternatives to antibiotics to mitigate antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter infections in humans
Primary Mentor: Ilhem Messaoudi, PhD
- Jinpeng Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Cancer Biostatistics
Project Title: Characterizing the pan-cancer endogenous retroviruses landscapes at single-cell resolution
Primary Mentor: Chi Wang, PhD
Media contact: Mallory Profeta,