OPIOIDS: Addressing the Public Health Crisis through Translational Science, 2018 CCTS Spring Conference

Join us for our 13th Annual CCTS Spring Conference 

Friday, April 13, 2018
Lexington Convention Center, 3rd Floor

Who should attend

This scientific-based conference is open to interested faculty, research personnel, trainees/scholars and administrators. It is also open to those in government agencies, private foundations and community organizations.


There is no fee to attend the conference.  However, all individuals who wish to attend the conference must register on-line at the link below.  ​ Registrations are due  by Friday, March 30. 2018  SUBMIT HERE

Logistics / Attending an event at the Lexington Convention Center

The CCTS Spring Conference will be held in the level 3 meeting rooms of the Lexington Convention Center. Address: 430 W Vine St, Lexington, KY 40507


PAY PARKING - High Street parking lot, FREE PARKING - Manchester Street parking lot: http://www.lexingtoncenter.com/plan-your-visit/parking

Hotels near the Lexington Convention Center: http://www.lexingtoncenter.com/plan-your-visit/area-restaurants-hotels


For assistance, please contact:
Ryan Vicini