Brain Resilience, Aging, and Stress Study (BRASS)
Veteran man looks distressed. A women is covering her face in distress. A firefighter is helping a man whos home burned down.

Researchers at the University of Kentucky invite you to participate in a study about brain function, resilience, and stressful life events. We want to learn how to support healthy brain aging in people who have been traumatized. Older adults (65+) with and without post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are invited. 

Participation involves iPad brain games and one interview.

*Eligible participants will be compensated.

Participation involves completion of a 15 minute eligibility survey completed online or by phone and a 2 to 3 hour in-person interview. The interview can be conducted at your house or a local library of your choosing.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

 • Are 65 years of age or older

 • Are Located within 30 miles of Lexington, KY

 • Could be classified into one of the following three categories:

       1) You have no stress symptoms

       2) You experience some stress symptoms but have not been diagnosed with PTSD

       3) You have been diagnosed with PTSD

If you are interested in learning more about this study, please complete this form:
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Research studies found across the world, nation and Kentucky