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About KY Health Data Trust, Phase I: KY Medicaid
The purpose of the Kentucky Health Data Trust is to improve the health and wellness of Kentucky’s children, families, and workforce by providing complete and transparent information about healthcare utilization and outcomes. The project will integrate health utilization and outcomes data and information from public and private payers to support three key objectives: improve public health and quality of care delivery, support health care reform initiatives, and provide a foundation for transparency in the cost and delivery of health care. This site is the Phase I deployment of the Kentucky Health Data Trust, providing simple access to aggregate queries of de-identified information on the Kentucky Medicaid program for 2014 and 2015.
About i2b2
The i2b2 (informatics for integrating biology and bedside) query tool allows one to retrieve de-identified, aggregate counts of patient populations that match a given criteria.
i2b2 provides a framework that allows clinical claims data to be warehoused and searched based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria selected by the user.
Currently we have the following search dimensions available for Kentucky Medicaid Claims data from 2014- 2015:
Demographics (current age, gender, race)
Medical Diagnosis (ICD 9 or ICD 10)
Medical Procedures Performed (CPT codes)
Visit Details (inpatient/outpatient visit, age at encounter, provider type)
Please take care in crafting your query and correctly interpreting your results. If you have questions, we are setting up an email address for support. We will also help you interpret and validate your findings, please see our notes about consultations below. Learning i2b2 is fairly easy; the query interface is completely point-and-click and you can learn more about how to use the tool by clicking Help at the top of the screen after logging into i2b2.
What does your aggregate count of patients truly mean? If the value is exceptionally low, check that you are using the correct codes (like for a certain diagnosis). One must be careful to fully understand why a certain number of results might come back; it is easy for new users to over simplify the complexity of forming boolean queries. If you need help understanding or verifying your i2b2 results, please contact Darren Henderson.
Darren W. Henderson
Database Administrator
University of Kentucky
Center for Clinical and Translational Science
182 Bio-Pharmacy Complex
789 S Limestone
Lexington, KY 40536
W:(859) 323-7146
Getting an Account Set Up
If you are not an employee of the University of Kentucky, you can get a LinkBlue ID created for an i2b2 Medicaid account with a UK faculty sponsor and by completing information at this link: Creating a LinkBlue ID.
It may take several days for an ID to be created.
Once you receive your LinkBlue ID via email, you can formally request an i2b2 Medicaid account.
Tamela Harper, MHA, PMP
- Project Director, Biomedical Informatics
- (859) 257-9384