Participant Recruitment Services

We're here to support your research!


The CCTS Participant Recruitment Services (PRS) team can help you develop a recruitment plan, create advertisements, and promote your study through a variety of channels, from promotion on our website (which annually attracts nearly 20,000 visitors who are looking for opportunities to participate in research) to social media videos, physical flyers, outreach events, and more. 

We also work closely with the UK Office of Research Communication to secure university-required Public Relations Review (PRR) which is necessary for your recruitment ads before submitting them to the IRB. 

At a street festival, three UK staff members in blue polo shirts speak with three community members under canopy.
Request Participant Recruitment Consultation / Services

Complete a CCTS Service Request Form using the LinkBlue ID of the principal investigator to request a free PRS consultation and learn more about our services and rates.

Please select "Participant Recruitment Services" (PRS) and "Public Relations Review" (PRR). We will reply within 2 business days. We look forward to working with you! 

We provide:

  • Recruitment Flyer and Media Batch

    Participate in Research
  • Video Creation

    • Video ad for your study
    • Compatible for social media, YouTube, etc
    Video marketing stock image
  • Other Types of Ads

    • Brochures
    • Postcards
    • Yard signs
    • Newspaper ads
    • Radio ads
  • Recruitment Evaluation Support

    • Metrics to learn more about participants and advertisement campaign performance
    • Study enrollment metrics
    Stock image illustration of metrics, evaluation, bar chart


add ths


Please note!
  • *After you select PRS and PRR in the CCTS Service Request Form:

     1. Select "Yes" to the following question: By selecting Public Relations Review (PRR) services, I am confirming that the images used on my materials are copyright-and/or royalty-free of any licensing issues.

     2. Enter "Using PRS" for the following question: Please enter the name of the company/website where you obtained images (e.g., Adobe)
  • All recruitment material PDFs created and/or modified by the PRS team will be locked. Please request any revisions via email to the PRS team.

Participant Recruitment Services (PRS) Team

  • Richard Sanchez

    • Research Administrative Coordinator Senior
    • 859-218-6822
  • Izabel Gomez

    • Production and Marketing Coordinator
  • Ashley G. Hall, MS

    • Research Project Manager, Community Engagement and Participant Recruitment
    • (859) 323-7375