University of Kentucky Women’s Health and You (WHY) has developed the Queer Health component in alignment with its mission to provide all women who have historically been excluded from health studies the opportunity to participate and benefit from research.
UK Center on Drug and Alcohol Research director Sharon Walsh will deliver the honorary Marian W. Fischman Lectureship during the College on Drug Dependence Annual Conference, June 17-22 in Montreal, Canada.
The Third Annual Appalachian Research Day invites researchers and community members to “come sit on the porch” and share research findings with the local communities involved in the studies.
The purpose of Research Day is to focus on current findings in diabetes and obesity related research. The program featured presentations by nationally prominent physician-scientists, as well as regional researchers chosen from abstract submissions.
Women's Healthy and You provides women the opportunity to help reduce the gap for women in medical research by responding to survey about their health.
The University of Kentucky was recently awarded a prestigious Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant to study the metabolism of cancer.
The trial is the first in the world to intra-arterially deliver a single, small dose of bevacizumab, a cancer drug known by the name of Avastin, directly to the area of the brain affected by radiation necrosis.